Grace to you and peace from God our Father and from our
Lord and savior Jesus Christ. Amen.
After my dad came out of his successful heart surgery in
April, the first stop in his healing process was the ICU. At first, before Dad
was released to a regular room, we could only visit him for 15 minutes at a
time, once an hour, so as not to tire him out. For the other 45 minutes my Mom
and I hung out in the ICU waiting room, making and drinking the bland - but
free - hospital coffee, getting our family caught up with how well Dad was doing,
and waiting for the next opportunity to visit. My mom loves to talk to random
people, and so during one of these breaks she struck up a conversation with
another lady in the waiting room, whose brother had be operated on by the same
surgeon as my Dad.
This woman asked us if we had looked up Dad’s doctor on
the internet yet. We hadn’t. But when we did, we learned that apparently Dad’s doctor
is a world-renowned heart surgeon who splits her time between Wisconsin, California,
and traveling around the world to perform children’s heart surgeries for free.
Whoa. Dad could not have been more fortunate. This
amazing surgeon happened to be in
town at the exact moment that Dad needed her, since just four days after Dad’s
surgery, she was due to fly back to South America to do more heart surgeries on
children in the amazon. If we would have had time to “do our homework,” we
could not have chosen a better surgeon for the job. What had Dad done to
deserve getting this amazing world-famous heart doctor as his surgeon? Nothing,
really. He is not more or less worthy person than the next guy who needs heart
surgery. My Dad was at the right place at the right time. Which, I like to think
was definitely a God thing.
Sort of like in today’s Gospel reading. We’re wading back
in the Gospel of Luke for the summer, and are going to hear story after story
of Jesus healing the sick, eating with sinners, telling stories and teaching
people about the kingdom of God – and all along the way encountering people who
are at the right place at the right time to come face to face with the divine,
to personally experience God showing up in their own lives.
For the centurion in Capernaum, Jesus was certainty at
the right place at the right time. His worthy slave was sick and nearly dying,
and I like to think that the centurion had
done his homework about the
physician in question. He heard something about Jesus, since Jesus had been to
Capernaum before, healing and cast out demons on his previous trip. Perhaps the
centurion was hoping for a repeat performance on behalf of his slave.
Which is a pretty strange request, if you think about it.
After all, the centurion is pretty close to the top of the food chain in
Jesus’s time. At the top were Roman citizens, military and political leaders - men
with power. Toward the bottom were all the people that the Romans had
conquered, such as the Jesus’s people. Slaves were at the very bottom of the
pile, often seen as “living tools” of their masters. So here we have a
centurion, a Roman citizen, a military leader who answered to very few, ask for
healing on behalf of his slave. This from a guy who could easily have commanded
or threatened Jesus. Instead, he asks the Jewish elders to intercede with on
his behalf.
Presumably, the elders thought this centurion was a
worthy candidate for Jesus because of he seemed like a “good guy” to the Jewish
people. It might be the case of a little “You scratch my back, I’ll scratch
yours.” You built our synagogue, and so we’ll put in a good word for you with
Jesus. It makes sense, since proximity
to power is the next best thing to having power
But we know that that’s
not how Jesus rolls. Jesus decides
to make this house call because he judges
the worth of people from an entirely different criteria than that of the rest
of the world.
Unfortunately, not much has not changed in the world since
the time of Jesus, has it? In the eyes of the world, our worth is still based on where we measure up in the social
strata. We are being perpetually judged on some combination of birth – ethnicity,
nationality, gender – mixed in with our capacities of money, power, influence,
successful parenting, our house, job, extracurricular activities, college we
went to, vacations we take, cars we drive, ways we do more and be more.
Because if we can do “all the things,” THEN we will be
worthy of notice and therefore worthy of love. If only we can “do it all” and
be “good enough, “THEN we will MATTER. THEN we will matter to the world. THEN we will
matter to ourselves. Only we never actually get to THEN.
This is not how God operates. Jesus came to show us exactly
how God judges our worth. Jesus came to knock down the ladder we can never
climb, to short circuit the treadmill we can never catch up on, to smash the
game board we can never beat. Jesus came to spread the radical notion that all people are worthy of God’s love.
And in the Gospels, we get to follow Jesus as he lives
this out by preaching and healing – encountering all kinds of different people along
the way. Some of them, like the disciples, stick around the whole time, while
others pop in, play their rolls and then we never hear from again, like healed
slave and humble centurion.

I really like a quote from the show Doctor Who that goes,
“In 900 years of time and space, I’ve never met anyone who wasn’t important” To
put it another way, in the words of writer Frederick Buechner, “The grace of
God means something like: Here is your life. You might never have been, but you
are because the party wouldn't have been complete without you.”
I think both Doctor Who and Fredrick Buechner are right.
You. You are important. God needs you for the party.
But there ARE people who are excluded from the party, people who are seen as worth less than other people, based on how
our society treats them. We may not have slaves and centurions in this time and
place, but we have questions of worth of our own to ask ourselves if we are
paying attention.
Which kind of people have you seen that are treated as
having worth more than others?
Who is worth more?
Black lives or white lives?
Men’s lives or women’s lives?
lives or the lives of people who are gay, lesbian, and transgender?
First world
lives or third world lives?
CEOs or those who are homeless?
Political leaders
and refugees?
These questions make us all uncomfortable because we know
that something isn’t right in the state of the world. And the centurion of all
people, the enemy of the Jewish people, is the one in the story who “got it.” And
that completely shocked Jesus, which is probably pretty hard to do. In the
centurion’s example, we see faith, humility, and concern for others came from
the last place that we would expect. We see that he, the “most worthy” in the
eyes of the world, giving away his power and authority, so that the slave, the “least
worthy,” could be healed and made whole. And that could been seen as a miracle
in and of itself.
The centurion saw that treating others with the dignity
and worth they deserve did not make his worth become less, like a zero sum
game. He saw that our worth actually is
not worth anything when other people are treated as having less worth. Worth is not
something I can hoard, or store up extra for myself. It can only be seen and
shared. Worth doesn’t come from our own making. We can’t give it or take it
away. We can do our best to deny it, but it is still there, given only by the
grace of God.
The God’s party - feast of victory for our God - is not
complete without you. And it’s also not complete without those people we are
surprised to see are invited. That
means, as Fredrick Buechner says, the party is not complete without others too.
You are important. They are important.
We need one another, because together we are whole.
Together we are Holy. Together we are one, as Paul writes later in his letter
to the Galatians, “There is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or
free, there is no longer male and female; for all of you are one in Christ
Jesus.” (Gal. 3:28) We need all of God’s children for the party – black, white, rich, poor,
straight, gay, and transgender, leaders, refugees, men and women.
Together we are complete. Together we are the children of
God. Together we are worthy, because it is God, not the world, who has given us
our worth. Amen for that.
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