Tales of a Midwest Lutheran on the East Coast

Monday, November 27, 2017

How to help Jose

Last Sunday I mentioned in my sermon a member of my friend's church  who is in trouble, and people asked how they can help.

To see the original video of his story click here

My friend, Pastor Rachel Ringlaben, of Mesa Abierta Lutheran Church in New Orleans, shared with me this week that Jose is applying for a U-visa which is for victims of trafficking. She says it's about a 2 year process which is being interrupted by ICE's decision to carry out deportation proceedings.  At this point, ICE isn't sharing any information with Jose unless he shows up to their offices.  Instead, he has taken sanctuary until they give him an answer on his case. He is staying at First Grace UMC. His family needs help with phone bills and transportation for his family. We can help by donating at the donation link at https://mealtrain.com/0nv3k4. Or, mail or deliver a pre-paid visa card to 

Attn: Sanctuary Committee, 
First Grace UMC, 
3401 Canal St, 
New Orleans, 
LA 70119.

There is also a request for Uber and Lyft giftcards for Jose's family. Please drop off all giftcard donations to First Grace or mail them to:
Attn: Sanctuary Committee
First Grace UMC
3401 Canal St.
New Orleans, LA 70119

Pastor Rachel also shared that we can help by making a phone call or writing an email to ICE:


She shared with us the following script:

Hi, my name is __________. I am reaching out today to request that your office renew Jose Torres’s prosecutorial discretion so that he can stay with his young U.S. citizen daughters who depend on him to survive. Mr. Torres’s A number is 200-061-563.

As you know, Mr. Torres’s daughters Kimberly and Julissa both have chronic conditions. His youngest, Kimberly, is especially vulnerable as she was born premature and has suffered from seizures since birth. These girls need their dad. Rather than plunging them into poverty and potential danger, you have the ability to allow them to grow up healthy and strong supported by their dad who loves them.

Mr. Torres is an essential member of our community and a father. Far from being in the public interest, his deportation would only destabilize a family and our broader community. Do not hesitate to contact me.
Thank you,

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