Tales of a Midwest Lutheran on the East Coast

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Everything this is to Know about God in One Sermon! (JK)

Sermon 5-27-18 Trinity Sunday

Grace and peace to you from God our creator and from our Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit, amen.

It’s that time of year again, when our weekends from now until the end of July are suddenly booked with graduations and their celebrations. Cake… and cards, and cake, and poster boards full of pictures and awards, and cake, and signing yearbooks, and…. Cake. Seven years ago, around this time, I was among the graduates across the country receiving one sort of diploma or another. I and my seminary classmates, however, had the onerous distinction of receiving our master’s degrees. But not just ANY kind of Master’s degree. Upon receiving our hoods and diplomas, we became…. Masters of Divinity…. !

(With heavy sarcasm) After four years of study, I now know everything about God, including - but not limited to: how many angels can dance on the head of a pin, whether or not our pets go to heaven, why bad things happen to good people, why GOOD things happen to BAD people, and most importantly, what WAS God thinking when he created mosquitoes and ticks?

Seriously though, there are just some aspects of our Christians faith that seem to allude easy answers. And it just so happens that today, on Holy Trinity Sunday, we celebrate one of the most perplexing parts of our Christian faith. Libraries full of books and papers have been written about the Trinity. Scholars and theologians have dedicated their lives to parsing out and trying to pin down exactly what it means that we believe in a three-in-one, one-in-three kind of God. The Trinity it is the kind of thing that makes your head hurt if you think about it for too long. And we all know, summer is NOT for thinking!

This is why I feel for Nicodemus from our Gospel reading; because our friend Nick here doesn’t always “get it” either. Nicodemus is a learned man, a prominent and respected leader in his community, probably with a very deep and mature faith. Nick is no novice. This guy knows his Torah. And he STILL has a hard time grasping what Jesus had to say about the kingdom of God. Poor confused Nick can only throw up his hands and give voice to what we ALL are thinking: “How can these things be?”

With every fiber of our being, we want our mysteries to be defined. We seek know the unknowable and to measure the un-measureable. We are driven to explore the height and depths of the earth because we don’t like seeing blank spots on the map. Similarly, we persist in plumbing the depths of faith – because if we can get a handle on God, then perhaps the confusing world that we live in might actually make sense.

So, we end up coming up with some strange ideas about God being a Trinity. Perhaps you’ve heard of a few of these: The Trinity is like an apple. The Trinity is like H2O water, ice, and steam. The Trinity is like a four-leaf clover. The Trinity is like how I am a daughter, a sister, a pastor, and a friend. Really, reallyweird stuff if you think about it too much.

All these strange ideas we’ve come up with are just ways we try to answer the important questions that have plagued humankind for centuries: Who is God? And how do we see God at work in the world? 

The many writers of the scriptures have spent their lives wrestling with those very questions. For the prophet Isaiah, he experienced God as a larger-than-life being on a throne. For the Apostle Paul, who wrote letters, including this one to the Roman Christians, his experience of the power of God literally blinded him while on his way to persecute followers of Jesus. And Nicodemus is seeing but not comprehending as he stares the true answer to “who is God?” right in the face.

Though their experiences are very different, they have one thing in common. To them, God was not an apple, water, or a four-leaf clover. God was a Someone whom they encountered, who met them face to face and wanted a relationship with them. And these people are never quite the same every again. Our encounters with God change us.

While imagining God in Trinitarian form may be helpful, you can’t have a relationship with a doctrine or set of beliefs. God does not desire to remain an idea or belief or theological construct in the mind of us, his children. How can we know this? Because God so loved the world – so loved us – that he gave to us a way by which we can know him, deeply and directly. For God so loved the world that God gave us Love Incarnate: Jesus.

In the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus, God swept away the curtain of mystery once and for all. No longer do we have to grope around in the dark for bits and fragments of the divine. In Jesus, the light of God has shown out in the darkness. In Jesus, God came to us in a way we can understand. In Jesus, we all have become “Masters” of divinity because Jesus reveals to everyone the very essence of “who God is.”

Who is God? God is love.

This time of year is also wedding season in addition to graduation season, isn’t it? How many of you got up early to watch the royal wedding last weekend? If you haven’t already, go listen to Anglican Archbishop Michael Curry’s wedding sermon. Bishop Curry described the power in the love of God, as the source of our being and the guide for our lives. He reminded the bride and groom… and all of us who were tuning in around the world… that Jesus started this revolutionary movement grounded in the unconditional love of God, which has the power to save the world.

… “For God so loved the world that God sent his only son” …to reveal to us a loving and forgiving God who wants to be in a relationship with us. This is what we know: Jesus came to us in a way that we would find most relatable – in a body that could laugh and cry, teach and embrace, heal and feel pain. Jesus is our brother, because we both share the same loving Father. Jesus is our Lord because he calls us to emulate the life that he lived here on earth – an existence of love and sacrifice. And Jesus is our savior because of his final victory over the forces of sin and death through his death and resurrection.

But we can know all we think there is to know about God and still completely miss the boat. Like Nicodemus. But Jesus didn’t not throw his hands up in frustration and end the conversation at the first sign of confusion. No – Jesus patiently teaches on, determined to get his message across.

I suppose we should give poor Nick some credit, because he had enough wisdom to know that there was something different about this Jesus. So, Nick took a chance and arranged this secret meeting that would forever change him.

Our friend Nick may not have fully absorbed the significance of his encounter with Jesus, even when confronted by “John’s greatest hit” John 3:16. But we do know that he WAS changed by his experience with Jesus that night. Because Nick pops up again at the END of the Gospel of John, at Jesus’ trial before the Jewish council. In fact, he was the only naysayer in their otherwise unanimous “guilty” verdict. And later on, John writes that Nicodemus helped Joseph of Arimathea give Jesus a respectful burial when his body had been taken down from the cross. He is not quite the man that he used to be. And we too, when we encounter the Risen Jesus, are never quite the same afterwards.

Jesus didn’t walk this earth to answer every question we’ve ever had about God. God is still at work in the world in ways we cannot yet understand. The wind of the Spirit will blow where it will, and carry us with it. But we can’t go wrong with Jesus as our trailblazer and navigator.

Are you ready for all the awesome things that the God who created you has in store for you?

Are you ready for THE Master of Divinity to take your hand and guide you down the paths of your life?

Are you ready for the Holy Spirit to lead you into freedom from fear into a spirit of love for the world?

This is not graduation. This is only the beginning. Oh, the places you’ll go (with the help of our Trinity God).

You better buckle up, Buttercup, because it’s going to be one exciting ride - or should I say a “three-in-one” - exciting ride. Thanks be to God. Amen. AMEN.

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