Tales of a Midwest Lutheran on the East Coast

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Power, Herod, and Shark Week


Grace to you and peace from God our creator and from our Lord and savior Jesus the Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen. 

I knew the shark song BEFORE it was cool. I don’t get to say that often! I learned it as a counselor working at that Lutheran Bible camp in Wisconsin, only the tune was slightly different. Same words though – Baby shark dododododododo…. Did you know there are OTHER verses, that there is actually a narrative? Baby shark, momma shark, daddy shark, grandma and grandpa shark, then it’s “going for a swim, saw a fin…shark attack, lost a leg, lost an arm… going to heaven. Now when I teach that song, I tend to skip the ending and stop with the nice happy shark family.

Today begins Shark Week on the Discovery Channel - entire week dedicated to the beauty, power, terror, and general awesomeness of sharks, not just the famous great whites. There are mini sharks, super-fast sharks, deep sea sharks, sharks with whip tails, even sharks that glow in the dark. 

Shark Week convinced me that Sharks are awesome. But they are a particular kind of awesome that I for one would never EVER need to see up close. God created these awesome creatures with strength and speed and power and big teeth. We are in awe of them, and rightly so, because they possess a power that we can’t tame or control.

During a Shark Week of years passed, I learned that sharks have not changed all that much over the last few million years. But from this text, THIS week, we learn that people have also not changed… pretty much ever!

Sharks don’t eat when they’re not hungry. They don’t throw big parties and make grand showy promises in order to impress. They don’t commit murder to save face in front of the people they need to sway to stay in power.

It makes me wonder what sharks think of our world, if they knew. If the sharks new that just this past week alone Haiti was plunged into confusion over the assassination of their president, the death toll in the tragic condo collapse in Florida is rising, the Delta variant is threatening our return back to some sort of “normal,” and the Olympics Committee is still holding fast to transphobic and racist practices. Out there in the world, power is used and abused, power hurts and manipulates. We perhaps could learn a thing or two from SHARKS about being more HUMANE. 

Last week, in the adventures of Jesus according to the Gospel of Mark, Jesus went to his hometown. Jesus gave power to his disciples, and sent them out two by two, healing the sick and proclaimed the gospel of repentance in Jesus’ name, doing deeds of power, and they are getting RESULTS!! But these results make the people in authority very, very nervous. 

John the Baptist, if you remember, is Jesus’ forerunner. At the very beginning of Mark, the words of Isaiah announces his arrival…. “See, I am sending my messenger ahead of you, who will prepare your way.”. And he was a big hit with the people, baptizing left and right, making the powers-that-be very, very nervous. Especially with John’s tagline – The one who is coming after me is more powerful than I am.

And sure enough, after John, Jesus arrived, healing, casting out demons, calming storms and eating everyone. It was all coming true, just as John had predicted.  And that make King Herod very nervous, indeed. Herod was already hanging onto his power by a thread. Herod thought he had already taken care of his awkward little problem.

This traumatic little story is actually a flashback. John the Baptist has already been arrested and killed by Herod by the time Jesus had sent out his disciples last week. But John’s execution must have haunted Herod, which must be why Herod believed in the most absurd thing – that John whom he had killed must be alive again.

Because John was SUPPOSED to be an example. When you speak truth to power, you will not get a trophy or metal or pat on the back. THIS (head chopping motion) is what happens to prophets and prophetic voices - when you call out the leaders, behaviors, and cherished institutions in this world, you get into big trouble

You might not lose your head, like John. But you might lose friends, lose face, be labeled as “easily offended” by your friends or family, or otherwise thrown under the metaphorical bus.

But our power…. And the power of the disciples does not come from this world, from King Herods or Romans or Caesars. OUR power comes from CHRIST - the one who also spoke truth to power, and showed the world power through God’s truth.

As it turns out, Herod was wrong about Jesus. John had not come back from the dead, as some thought. But at the same time, Herod was right about Jesus… just a little too soon. John would not rise again after his death. But Jesus did. That, I think, is the good news to be found in terrible story – even though John died… even though We will die… But Jesus died AND was raised from the dead.

That’s real power, and it makes the powers of the world shake in their boots.

Jesus showed once and for all the power of God is not the same as the power of human beings. That God’s kingdom is not the same as human kingdoms. That God’s rules are not the same as human rules.

Jesus showed the world a power that it had never seen up close before - a power that did not come from brute force, or intimidation, or violence, or injustice, or discrimination, or bullying, or manipulation.  The power of this world is built on fear and but is as slippery as we imagine sharks to be – always in danger of slipping away and gone in the blink of an eye.

God’s power is built on love, and will last forever, and never runs out. Its for you and for you and for you and for me, all members of God’s eternal family. Even more unchanging than a million-year-old shark. Now, and forever, you will always be a …” Child of God, dodododododo, Child of God, dodododododo….” Thanks be to God, Amen.

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