Tales of a Midwest Lutheran on the East Coast

Monday, September 19, 2011

A lovely day for an ordination!

Yesterday was just beautiful, in so many ways - the perfect day for an ordination!

Beau's sister Shelly arrived the night before from Richmond VA, where she and her family moved literally weeks before our move. They now live about 6 hours away, which makes them the closest family we have out here. We were so glad that she was able to see Beau lead worship and preach in the morning. Then we ate out for lunch and then Shelly and I went to Whole Foods while Beau left for Trenton to arrive early. Shelly and I had a good time finding organic and local treasures and we made it to the church in plenty of time, even though the cathedral is not in the best part of town.

The service was beautiful. Through taking his vows, I was able to stand behind Beau holding the beautiful stole that my mom made for him, and I helped Pastor Tracie, his sponsoring pastor (and also assistant to the bishop) place the stole on his shoulders when the time came. The laying on of hands was an especially beautiful moment. I feel like I'm saying beautiful a lot, but that's just what it was. I was so proud to be there supporting Beau. I know that my time will come, but it was ok that it is not yet. (But it will be coming!) Resurrection Lutheran also made an excellent showing, which was so wonderful. It was great to see so many familiar faces!

Here is a picture of the lovely stole on this new pastor, along with a pastor friend from Luther Seminary who will be studying at Princeton Seminary for her PH.D:

Pastor he is, through and through. We were so exhausted after all the festivities that we got a pizza and ice cream, watched West Wing, and went to bed!

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