(Do be done in the local mall of your choice with teams of 4-5 with one adult)
Stay Together!
Be respectful! Be creative!
Include everyone!
No running! Have fun!
TAKE A SELFIE WITH or DOING the following:
biggest item/signs you can find that says “JOY,” “PEACE,” “HOPE,” or “LOVE”
A big star and pretend to be the wise men/people following it
The most unusual animal you can think of to be in a nativity scene (panda, elephant…etc)
Ugliest holiday sweater you can find
Corniest Christmas card with you and your teammates reading it with very serious faces.
Your team meditating on the meaning of Advent in front of TEAVANNA
Stand under a lamp or bright light - “A light shines in the darkness…” (John 1:1)
Act perplexed like Mary was in front of Motherhood Maternity - “How can this be?”(Luke 1:29)
All of you pretending to be the “angels we have heard on high” while riding the down escalator
Non-Caucasian (non-white) Nativity scene/set
Look for the coming of Jesus underneath the “WATCH” sign
A sign that says “Believe” and your team making crosses with your hands/arms
A Christmas tree the color of the Advent season (hint – you were asked to wear it today!)
A Christmas tree the color of the Christmas season (hint – it’s not red or green. Extra hint – it’s the same color as the season of Easter)
A toy road and car set or a train set - “Prepare the way of the Lord” (Luke 3:4)
“Swaddle” one of your teammates in your hats/ scarves/gloves/coats like Jesus was (Luke 2:12)
Under a large potted plant, one of you is a shepherd caring for the rest of your team as sheep
Magnifying glass – Mary sang that begins “My soul magnifies the Lord!” (Luke 1:46)
Pretend to “make haste” (run in place) like the shepherds to see Jesus, the savior and Lord by the LORD & TAYLOR sign
Act sleepy by Starbucks ‘cuz Joseph was told about Jesus in a dream, and we are to stay awake for when Jesus shows up!
A (fake) fur coat and your best “John the Baptist” preaching poses
Next to a tent – Jesus “pitched his tent” (dwelled) among us (John 1:14)
Holding a baby doll, hold your nose & remember that baby Jesus filled his diaper too!
Treasure chest – Mary treasured all these events in her heart (Luke 2:19)
Make some peace signs in front of Justice to remember that Jesus came to bring peace and justice to the world
A crown – Jesus is our “Prince of Peace” (Isaiah 9:6) (BONUS if you are FROM Prince of Peace Lutheran!)
Shoes the color of Advent because Jesus will “guide our feet into the way of peace” (Lk. 1:79)
Bread, since Bethlehem means “house of bread”
Sparkly ring, since Mary and Joseph were engaged (but not married) (Luke 2:5)
With “wise man” Yoda
Key chains with names from the Christmas stories – Mary, Joseph, John (the Baptist), John’s parents Elizabeth & Zach (Zechariah), Harry (King Herod), Maggie (for the Magi), David (city of), Angela (for the heavenly host), Luke and Matthew (Gospels that tell the Christmas story as we know it)
a JESUS name tag or Key chain
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